2018 Legends of the Fly














We are proud to announce this year’s Legends of the Fly Tournament has been scheduled for October 13th. The time is right, and the mood is that of palpable excitement as we approach this grand slam tourney based out of Virginia Beach. Redfish, stripers, and specs are on the menu for this catch/photo/release event, and we must say its a jaw ripping good time.

We had the pleasure of participating last year, with George Hughes and I winning the prize for largest redfish on the fly. When you click on the Legend’s link, you will see the winning redfish in the background. We’d be there again this year, but TOOT (Taste Of Our Town) is scheduled that same day, and attending to 10,000 patrons that descend on Lewisburg will be top priority. Saying that, personally, we like the idea of flooded grass flats, best friends, and quiet surroundings, except for the screeching pierce of a 30 inch redfish tearing off drag.

Get in on the action. Buy the ticket, take the ride.