Temporarily Closed Until the Beginning Of March

Our shop will be closed thru the beginning of March for renovations, relaxation, and research.

Always expanding and searching out our next big idea, we look forward to sharing 2021 with all of our wonderful customers, both visitors and locals alike!

Keep your eyes peeled for more custom designs constructed in-house, such as a new print for the Greenbrier River. A couple of our previous designs will be added to long-sleeve tees, hoodies, and hats this year due to customer demand. Others may try and duplicate, but are only left with shoddy and less than original replications. If you’re not first, you’re last Ricky Bobby!

Updates to the website are in constant motion. We actually had to redo the site a few months ago due to a glitch in our program. Crisis adverted after a week or two, and now the site is better than ever!

We are also currently working on preseason orders for the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022. Positive things are in the future, especially with the lineup for Patagonia this holiday season and our increasing lineup of well-constructed dog toys and treats. Great googly-moogly!!!

Please shop local, and support those who in turn support you. Amazon and Wal-Mart are adding nails to the small-merchant’s coffin each year, and without those in the community making occasional purchases, the shop doors down the street will soon be closed.

Many struggled this year due to the Covid restrictions, both financially and mentally. Lets all join forces to make 2021 a better year than the one before! We will be back soon, ready to conquer the world, and gladfully helping our customers with whatever needs they may have. In the meantime, check out these unique and tastefully done outhouses 🙂