Gold Medal ACL Tear Champion

Nearly 5 months ago, our shop dog River experienced a torn ACL on his rear right leg that required surgery. Titanium pins and some shaving of the bone was in order, and the pup came through with flying colors. The healing process was an arduous one, and just as the leg was fully healed, he goes and tears the other rear leg. A couple days pass, and the leg that underwent surgery a few months earlier goes again.

Nothing left to pull, but if there is a slight chance that something else could go, leave it to River to find the weakest link.

Wish him luck the next time you’re in the shop, and lets hope all injuries are in the past!

We ask that you take it easy on River when your petting him, and restrict other dog interaction with the shop pooch unless it is supervised. We sill have a long healing process, and additional surgeries, in store. Another injury cannot be handled either emotionally or financially.

Long live the River (2018 ACL Tear GOLD MEDAL CHAMPION)